Useful Links

Zeiss Campus

Information on optical microscopy and imaging technology, including specialized techniques such as fluorescence, living cell imaging, and more.

Zeiss Zen Lite for Windows

A free program which allows one to view CZI imaging files collected using the Zeiss LSM 800 confocal system on any computers running Windows operating systme.

Materials and Methods

A guideline about what to put in the Materials and Methods section of your paper. If you used the BWH Confocal Core Facility for the acquisition of your images, please acknowledge us in your paper.

Seeing is believing?

A beginners' guide to practical pitfalls in image aquisition. A necessary read for anyone interested in confocal microscopy.

Nature's provisional guide for appropriate image handling.


Free image processing and analysis software from NIH.

LOCI tools

A useful ImageJ plugin for importing many image file formats. Pleaes be noted that current full version of ImageJ can open CZI file by default with this plugin built-in.

Invitrogen SpectraViewer

Plot and check the spectral compatibility for many fluorophores offered by Molecular Probes and Bio-Rad.

Dumont Tweezers

Excellent for handling cover glass!

Other Userful Links:

Nikon MicroscopyU

Olympus Confocal